empathic energy healing & support
Ready to learn how to access healing energies, and how to use them?
Through Reiki and Light Language courses, you will get attuned to (connected to) healing energies that are associated with that modality.
They're so beautiful, powerful and loving, and truly have the potential to help you shift your life and perspective in massive ways!

Reiki Courses
Ready to learn how to use Reiki in your own life to support your own journey, to share with others this beautiful gift we were given as a collective? Looking to deepen your practice and anchor in tools to support you on your journey?
Reiki is an energy (life force energy) and a healing modality.
I offer classes that align with the classically recognized trainings offered in the west, in case you may want to one day open up a practice & have a recognized training.
~ Reiki Level 1: Reiki for Self-Care
~ Reiki Level 2: Sharing Reiki Multidimensionally
~ Reiki Level 3: The Path to Mastery

Some amazing CLIENT LOVE!
Andrea is such a gorgeous human being and experienced SO MANY SHIFTS through the Reiki Level 1 course!!
It's such a powerful and yet gentle energy, and I *highly recommend* it to anyone and everyone who's interested in it - and this may mean YOU! 💛