Happy New Year, dearest!
Let me start off by wishing you so much love and expansion for this new year! 2019 is promising to be such a potent year of change, healing and growth, and I hope you are as excited as I am to be alive at this time, and to be an integral part of this transition time.
A perfect setup for manifesting your wildest dreams
As the Earth is beginning this year’s journey around our Sun, the air is pregnant with possibilities. What are we going to aim to achieve this year? To learn? To manifest into being? What are we ready to take responsibility for? And what are we ready to let go of, to release, to forgive, and ultimately forget?
On the 5th of January, the Moon will hide its beautiful face for the first New Moon of the year, this one in Capricorn. Time to climb to new heights, to set new goals far beyond what seems to be practical reach.
Yes, it’s time to get creative, dearest, to dream big and wild and bold! There is no better time than today (and culminating on the fifth), to set the energetic foundation for the year to come.
Write it all down
Around this time of year, I love spending time looking inward, and looking back at the year that somehow is already over. Seriously, where does time go? What worked for me? What did I consciously bring into being, and what came as a surprise? It gives a great starting point for where I want to head towards. What do I want more of? What do I want to discover? Who do I want to connect more deeply with?
I want to invite you to do the same - there’s really no better time to do it! I’ve created a PDF worksheet to help you along with this big dreaming. Just click here to get it. You can print it off and fill it with your dreams for this year.
Remember, dream big!
Before the Winter Solstice, I recorded this Light Language channeled message to bring some ease through the holiday season. The energies were so big and potent. If you feel called to watch it, don’t hesitate to do so! The messages come to us as we are ready to unpack them, so always trust your intuition!
I’m here to help, so if you’re feeling stuck and know that you’re so close to a break-through, feel free to head over to my booking page and I’d be happy to carry out an energy healing session with you. These are customized to meet you exactly where you are, with your Soul leading the way for how the session will unfold. You can also book a free 15-min discovery call if you’re feeling called to do one, and would like to make sure we’re in alignment energetically.
With love,
~Noémie xo