empathic energy healing & support
As a Lightworker, it is so important that YOU remember your undeniable worth.
And my intuition is telling me that you are starting to remember.
Remember the infinity of who you are.
Your other lives.
Your healing gifts.
To remember that you incarnated on Gaia during the transition into the Age of Aquarius for a reason.
And even if you're doubting yourself right now, let me tell you - in time, you will fully realize the deep connection you have to All That Is.
This is a message to the Universe to YOU:
It is time for You to embody who it is you truly are.
it is time for you to rise up.
So the question is:
And remember: you don't have to do this alone!
Let me be your guide through this journey.
I know a thing or two.
And I want to share this wisdom with you.
just imagine...
One day, you will look back and realize that you have unlearned all of the programs and limiting beliefs that used to keep you small.
That you have healed ancestral trauma for yourself and your whole lineage.
That you have developed a loving relationship with your inner child.
That you've unlocked healing gifts within yourself that you didn't think you had access to.
That your connection to your intuition has become so fluid that you no longer look outside of yourself for answers.
You will look back and remember fondly how far you've come,
and where it is you truly come from.
I know you are ready, dearest.
and I am here to support you on your journey.
What is your Soul telling you?
The time is now - New Earth is calling
Let me assist you on your Soul Journey on this Earth.
It will be an honour to share what I have learned along the way with you.
Learn to use practical, non-intrusive energy healing tools to assist in this self-discovery journey.
Listen to your
inner wisdom
speaking to you always.
Much love to you, for stopping by and sharing some of your journey with me. <3